NSWCFA "Catching Up" Magazine
“Catching Up” is the journal of NSWCFA. We have recently introduced a monthly newsletter called “Monthly Meow.”
The Journal contains a wide range of information, keeping the NSWCFA members up to date with show dates and venues, breeder advertising, title updates, feline articles of interest, and results of major shows, together with official notices concerning regulation updates, standards, etc.
The Journal is free to members of the NSW CFA, and for non-members, the annual subscription is $45. Readership of the Journal does not stop in New South Wales. As well as having subscribers in all states of Australia, it has a far-reaching audience, being posted to Cat Fanciers worldwide.
A major portion of the Journal includes contributions from it’s readers, and ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Any suggestions or stories you may have for inclusion in the journal are always welcome and may be forwarded to the office Via Email.
The Catching Up magazine is put together by the dedicated volunteers on the Journal Committee. If you have any ideas or would like to contribute articles, please do not hesitate to speak to any of the committee members.