Special General Meeting – Outcome – 27 August 2020
All Resolution Items raised in the SGM Notice were approved by unanimous vote by the members present at the meeting. All changes are effective as at 28 August 2020.
Thank you to those members who attended the meeting. The By-Laws have been updated.
COVID Safe Shows 2020
.NSW CFA Management Committee has listened to our members regarding their concerns about show safety with the current COVID 19 situation. That, in combination with the desire by show committees to continue with their planned 2020 show has led the Management Committee to prepare a risk assessment, signage templates and guidelines to assist our affiliates in running their shows in a COVID safe environment.
The Risk Assessment and Guide to Preparing a CovidSafe Plan can be found under Shows — Show Documents — Show Manager
If an Affiliate Club requires copies of signage, please email the Office.
We hope this will alleviate the fears of our exhibitors and assist the affiliates in putting on a safe show in the current climate.